Thursday, November 30, 2006

Some conclusions

Just below, I spoke about my personal memories. There are some conclusions I'd like to draw for myself and which might perhaps be useful for you, too.

Walk boldly into your darknesses and walk patiently through them! The light won't be lost completely - as long as you feel the dark to be dark, there's still a glimmer of light with you. Also, the bright skies and green pastures are quietly waiting for you, you needn't miss them.

Your darknesses are within you, every day. It's unnecessary to cultivate them or play with them.

It's a fearful thing to inflict such darknesses on others. And that's, as far as I see, the begin and the end of all morals.

Oughtn't our religion rely more on our darknesses? That's something we have with us all days. And even if I won't deny that there's somewhat of God's light in everyone - the unity of mankind can be demonstrated simpler and quicker on the base of its darknesses. Take two persons from whereever, and there will be at least some dark experiences or some dark passions they share.

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